About us

Dignified meeting and banquet facilities located only a stone's throw away from the capital's most important transport hub.
Historical background
The chancellor’s residence, Krigsskolen (The Military Academy), Tollbugata 10, or the name that was used by the army in all simplicity for decades, T-10: All the names refer to the same building originating from approx. 1648. This was one of the first buildings to be built in “Kvadraturen”, the historical square street grid of Oslo. On orders from Christian IV, then king of Denmark/Norway, Oslo was moved there under the shelter of the Akershus fortress after a town fire in 1624 and renamed Christiania. The city’s original location is to the north below Ekeberg. The city did not get its original name, Oslo, back until 1925.
Multiple ownerships
Several of the historical and powerful persons associated with T-10 over the first 150 years have given names to streets and roads in Oslo. Unfortunately, they also shared that their ownership history ended in unfortunate circumstances. Loans and embezzlement from the treasury, on one occasion also counterfeiting in the basement of T-10, led them to prison or to escape the country.

The Military Academy
At the time, the wealthiest man in Norway, Mr. Bernt Anker, took the property over from his brother – yet another owner who ended up in financial incapacity – and bequeathed it to The Military Academy in 1802.
Representational estate
With short interruptions, such as the German occupation of Norway in 1940-45, T-10 fully or partially housed The Military Academy until 1970. The Defense has since used the building for representational purposes. In 2020, T-10 was taken over by Stiftelsen Den Gamle Krigsskole.
Comprehensive restoration
Major restoration work both outside and inside is currently underway to preserve one of the city’s oldest buildings. In the future, T-10 will be used as a course- and conference center, as well as an event space for the Armed Forces, public agencies, businesses, and private events.
We welcome you and your guests to T-10!